

Shafi Consultancy will be presenting at the Phuse Single Day Event this February!
Melting the Glacier: A Showcase of Successful Innovation
Throughout the Clinical Research Life Cycle
This SDE is a celebration of successful innovation case studies, with a focus on collaboration.
Twickenham, United Kingdom
Monday 10 February 2025
The Exchange Theatre
75 London Rd, Twickenham TW1 1BE,
London, United Kingdom
Presentation: Accelerating Clinical Data Flow from Protocol to Submission
Time: 13:20–13:40 GMT
Speakers: Shafi Chowdhury (Shafi Consultancy) Subash Sadanandan (Datamatica)
We hope that you are able to join us! We are looking forward to reuniting with colleagues face-to-face and sharing new developments.
Please Contact Us If you would like to meet with us at the event to discuss about the presentation or any of our other services, including:
CDISC datasets generation/validation
TLF generation/validation
NONMEM and PK/PD data preparation